January 24, 2025: In a tragic incident in Bengaluru’s Nagarbhavi locality, a 39-year-old man died by suicide after his wife refused to withdraw a divorce petition. The deceased, identified as Manjunath, set himself on fire in front of his wife’s residence.
According to police reports, Manjunath, a cab driver from Kunigal town, had been married since 2013. The couple had been living in Bengaluru and were parents to a 9-year-old son. However, due to marital discord, the couple had been living separately for the past two years and had filed for divorce.
Manjunath reportedly went to his wife’s residence to persuade her to withdraw the petition, but she refused, citing the hardships she had endured during their marriage. Upon her refusal, Manjunath doused himself with petrol and set himself ablaze in the corridor outside her house.
His parents have accused his wife of being responsible for his death. A case has been registered at the Jnanabharthi police station, and an investigation is underway.
The incident has drawn comparisons to the recent case of Bengaluru techie Atul Subhash, whose suicide after alleged harassment from his wife sparked nationwide outrage. Atul had accused his wife, Nikita Singhania, of demanding Rs. 3 crore as part of a divorce settlement.
The tragic death of Manjunath highlights the need for greater awareness and support for individuals struggling with marital disputes and mental health challenges.