December 31, 2024: India's first glass bridge, a marvel of modern engineering, has officially opened to the public in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu. The bridge was inaugurated on Monday by Chief Minister M.K. Stalin, who celebrated the occasion by walking across the transparent structure that connects two of the region’s most iconic landmarks — the Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the towering 133-foot Thiruvalluvar statue.
Spanning 77 metres in length and 10 metres in width, the glass bridge offers visitors a one-of-a-kind experience. Its transparent surface provides breathtaking views of the sea below, while its bowstring arch design blends elegance with durability. The structure is built to withstand the challenging marine environment, including the corrosive effects of salty air and high humidity, ensuring both safety and longevity.
The Rs 37-crore project was undertaken by the Tamil Nadu government and inaugurated on December 30, aligning with the silver jubilee of the unveiling of the Thiruvalluvar statue by former Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi. The bridge replaces the need for ferry services between the two monuments, offering a more convenient and scenic alternative for tourists.
Previously, visitors relied on ferries to travel from the Kanyakumari boat jetty to the Vivekananda Memorial and onward to the Thiruvalluvar statue. With the opening of the glass bridge, they can now enjoy a leisurely walk between the two attractions, taking in panoramic views of the surrounding sea and landscape.
Sharing a video of the bridge on his official X (formerly Twitter) account, Chief Minister Stalin highlighted the structure's architectural brilliance and the stunning scenery it provides. The clip showcased the bridge’s intricate design and its harmonious integration with the natural beauty of the area.
This new addition is expected to significantly boost tourism in Kanyakumari, further cementing Tamil Nadu’s reputation as a state that blends heritage with innovation. By connecting two cultural and spiritual landmarks, the glass bridge stands as a symbol of progress, offering an immersive and unforgettable experience for all who visit.