January 7, 2025: The Supreme Court of India has granted interim bail to 85-year-old Asaram Bapu, the self-styled godman convicted of rape, on medical grounds. The interim bail, effective until March 31, will allow the controversial figure to receive necessary medical care outside prison.
Currently undergoing treatment at the Arogya Medical Centre in Jodhpur, Asaram Bapu has been serving a life sentence in Jodhpur Central Jail. The court acknowledged his health issues, particularly his heart condition, which has included a previous heart attack, as a basis for granting the temporary relief.
The Supreme Court has imposed strict conditions on the bail, instructing Asaram not to tamper with evidence or meet his followers during the period of his release. Additionally, the court has ordered the deployment of security personnel to ensure close supervision of the godman during his time on bail.
Asaram Bapu's conviction stems from a 2013 rape case, where he was found guilty of sexually assaulting a teenage girl at his ashram in Jodhpur. In 2023, a Gujarat court convicted him for the repeated rape of another woman disciple. He has previously been granted paroles for medical treatment, including a 17-day parole granted in December 2024. Bapu returned to Jodhpur Jail on January 1, after his parole ended.
The latest ruling comes just days after his recent parole, which allowed him to seek medical attention, marking another chapter in the ongoing legal saga surrounding the self-proclaimed spiritual leader.