Brazil Woman Arrested For Killing 9-Year-Old Daughter, Chops Body into Pieces

Published: August 31,2023 04:04 PM

Story highlights

the body parts of the deceased were found by the police in a refrigerator at her home in Sao Paulo

August 31, 2023: A Brazilian woman has been arrested for killing her 9-year-old daughter and chopping her into pieces.

According to police, the body parts of the deceased were found by the police in a refrigerator at her home in Sao Paulo.

During police interrogation, the accused said that she killed the girl between August 8th and 9th after taking drugs. Before killing, she researched the internet to find out an easier way to dismember her daughter.

The woman committed the crime because her daughter was not able to accept the separation from her father. The deceased’s mother was in a relationship with another man whom she met on a dating app.

Police also informed that the accused invited her beau before murdering her daughter. However, the man has not been identified yet. Search and investigation is on.