Mood swings? This Exoplanet has temperature swings

Published: March 12,2025 12:44 PM

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Mood swings? This Exoplanet has temperature swings

March 12, 2025: A team of scientists has made a fascinating discovery in the field of exoplanetary (planets outside of our solar system) science. They have found a new planet, called HD 20794 d, which is similar to Earth but much bigger. This planet is orbiting a star that is similar to the Sun, and is located just 20 light years away from earth.

This newly discovered planet is a special planet because it has a very unusual orbit. It takes 647 days to complete one orbit around its star, which is similar to the time Mars takes to orbit around the Sun.

However, its orbit is highly elliptical, which means that the planet experiences extreme temperature fluctuations. It gets very hot and then very cold in every 300 days.

Despite its unusual orbit, HD 20794 d spends a significant amount of time in habitable zone, where liquid water could exist. This makes it a potential home for life. The planet is also believed to be rocky, similar to earth.

The discovery of this exoplanet is a significant milestone in the search for life beyond earth. The planet’s unique orbit and potential for hosting liquid water make it an interesting target for future research.