January 26, 2025: For the first time since India’s independence, the national flag was hoisted in the Naxal-affected village of Tumulpad in Sukma district, Chhattisgarh, on the occasion of Republic Day. The historic event marked a significant shift for the village, which had long been plagued by the fear and oppression imposed by Naxal insurgents.
The flag-hoisting ceremony was led by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 74th Battalion, with villagers, including children and the elderly, proudly chanting patriotic slogans like ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai’. The villagers, who had never celebrated Republic Day before, came together to commemorate the day with joy and pride.
For years, the people of Tumulpad had been unable to raise the Tricolour due to the constant threat posed by Naxal groups. However, the establishment of several new police camps in the region has played a crucial role in changing the landscape. Over the past year, more than 16 police camps have been set up in Sukma’s most Naxal-affected areas, such as Chintalnar and Poovarti. These efforts have allowed the government’s initiatives, including welfare programs and security measures, to reach these remote villages.
CRPF Commandant Himanshu Pandey addressed the villagers, explaining the importance of Republic Day and the Indian Constitution. The flag-hoisting ceremony was followed by the distribution of sweets, further adding to the celebratory atmosphere.
This monumental day in Tumulpad's history stands as a symbol of resilience and progress, as the village moves beyond decades of fear towards a future of greater unity and opportunity.