Bengaluru Cafe Blast Duo Exposed

Published: April 12,2024 03:48 PM

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Meet Mussavir Hussain Shazib, the IED placer, and Abdul Matheen Taha, the alleged mastermind. Their roles in the explosive affair unravel, adding twists to the tragic tale of Rameshwaram Cafe blast

In a significant development in the investigation of the March 1 Bengaluru's Rameshwaram Cafe blast case, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has apprehended two individuals, including the alleged mastermind, near Kolkata in West Bengal. This breakthrough marks a crucial step forward in unraveling the complexities surrounding the tragic incident that shook the city.The apprehended individuals have been identified as Mussavir Hussain Shazib, the accused responsible for placing the IED at the Rameshwaram Cafe, and Abdul Matheen Taha, believed to be the mastermind behind the planning and execution of the blast.

The NIA's statement underscores the coordinated efforts between the agency, Central Intelligence agencies, and State Police agencies of West Bengal, Telangana, Karnataka, and Kerala, which played a pivotal role in tracing and capturing the absconding accused.The successful apprehension of Mussavir Hussain Shazib and Abdul Matheen Taha near Kolkata on the early morning hours of April 12, 2024, the effectiveness of diligent investigative work and collaborative efforts among law enforcement agencies. Their capture, after evading authorities and hiding under false identities, represents a significant breakthrough in the pursuit of justice for the victims of the Rameshwaram Cafe blast. Mussavir Hussain Shazib's direct involvement in placing the IED at the cafe and Abdul Matheen Taha's alleged role as the mastermind behind the planning and execution of the blast underscore the gravity of the charges against them.