August 13, 2020: Actor Janhvi Kapoor on Thursday shared a priceless throwback picture of herself along with her late mother and legendary star Sridevi. On Sridevi's 57th birth anniversary, Kapoor on Instagram shared a black and white picture where she is seen hugging her mother as the duo poses for the camera click.
"I love you Mumma," the 'Dhadak' actor captioned the post. The 23-year-old actor's heart-touching post was flooded with comments as fans of the late icon pay tribute to her. Sridevi breathed her last on February 24, 2018, in Dubai, where she had gone to attend a family wedding.
Born as Shree Amma Yanger Ayyapan in 1963, she was known for her iconic roles in Hindi movies like 'Chandni', 'Lamhe', 'Mr India', 'Chaalbaaz', 'Nagina', 'Sadma' and 'English Vinglish' among many more. The Padma Shri awardee had also made a mark with her extraordinary performances in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada films.
Her last film was 'Mom', for which she also received Best Actress National Award, posthumously.