January 17, 2025: In a shocking development, newly surfaced CCTV footage has revealed the moments leading up to the attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan. The clip, timestamped at 1:37 am on Thursday, shows a man entering the Satguru Sharan building in Mumbai’s upscale locality. The suspect, wearing a T-shirt, jeans, and carrying a backpack, had his face covered with a cloth.
The brutal attack unfolded around 2:00 am when the intruder entered the bedroom of Saif's younger son, Jeh. According to the FIR, the situation escalated after a house help raised an alarm. Saif intervened to protect his family and sustained six stab injuries, including one to the thoracic spine. Two house helps were also injured in the altercation, reportedly with a hexa blade wielded by the intruder.
After the 30-minute ordeal, the assailant was seen fleeing the premises at 2:33 am, this time without his face covered. The cloth, a red gamcha, was visible wrapped around his neck as he descended the stairs from the sixth floor. Saif’s residence is on the 12th floor of the building.
The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where he underwent surgery to remove the knife and repair leaking spinal fluid. Doctors have confirmed that Saif is now out of danger and recovering.
Despite the Mumbai Police forming 35 teams to apprehend the suspect, over 36 hours have passed since the attack, leaving the film industry and Saif’s fans deeply disturbed. A suspect was detained on Friday, but police have yet to confirm any links to the incident.
In a surprising twist, police sources suspect the attacker conducted a recce of actor Shah Rukh Khan’s residence, Mannat, on January 14. A separate investigation has been launched to explore this connection.
The film fraternity has expressed outrage and concern over the breach of security in one of Mumbai's most secure neighborhoods. As the police work tirelessly to bring the attacker to justice, the incident raises questions about celebrity safety and residential security in the city.