January 2, 2025: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed deep shock and sadness on Thursday following the tragic death of Dulal alias Babla Sarkar, a senior Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader and her long-time close associate. Sarkar was reportedly shot dead in the Malda district by unidentified assailants.
The incident occurred when four assailants on two motorcycles approached Sarkar from behind and fired four rounds, according to police reports. Three bullets struck him, causing critical injuries to his shoulder.
Banerjee took to X (formerly Twitter) to mourn the loss of Sarkar, calling him a “very popular leader” and an integral part of the TMC since its inception. She praised Sarkar and his wife, Chaitali Sarkar, for their dedication to the party and highlighted his role as an elected councillor.
"My close associate and a very popular leader, Babla Sarkar, has been murdered today. From the beginning of the Trinamool Congress, he and his wife worked tirelessly for the party. I am sad and hugely shocked after knowing about the incident," Banerjee wrote.
Calling for swift justice, Banerjee urged the authorities to ensure that the culprits are apprehended without delay. She also extended her condolences to the grieving family, particularly Chaitali Sarkar, wishing her strength to cope with the tragedy.
“I do not know how to convey my condolences to the bereaved family. May God give Chaitali strength to survive and fight this battle,” Banerjee added.
Trinamool Congress leader Abhishek Banerjee also called for a thorough and unbiased investigation into the case, emphasizing that political considerations should not impede the pursuit of justice.
The incident has sent shockwaves through the political community in West Bengal, with demands mounting for a detailed probe into the assassination.