July 1, 2022: Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh who is at the landslide site at Noney, has announced Rs 5 lakh for each person who died due to the massive landslide that hit the Tupul yard railway construction camp in Noney district on Wednesday night. There were 81 people at the camp when tragedy struck. At least 64 of the 81 people that included Territorial Army personnel, railway staff, civilians and workers from the 2 outsourced construction companies -- BIPL and VCS are feared dead. Forty-eight hours after the tragedy, only 17 bodies have been recovered so far.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has condoled the death of a worker from Morigaon in the tragic massive landslide in Noney, Manipur that killed at least 17 people including many Territorial Army personnel, railway staff so far. Another 5 workers from Assam are undergoing treatment and 16 are still missing. Several others are still trapped under the debris. There were 81 people at the Tupul yard railway construction camp when the landslide hit the camp on Wednesday night trapping all of them.
Assam CM has asked Minister Pijush Hazarika to rush to the tragedy site. He would be overseeing the rescue operations and also liaise with the families of workers from Assam who still are suspected to be buried under the landside debris as they are yet to be found.