North-West India Anticipates Below-Average Rainfall During the Initial Half of the Season

Published: April 9,2024 05:00 PM

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Heatwave Alert in India !

April 9, 2024: In the bustling city of Mumbai, the sun blazed down relentlessly, casting waves of heat upon the crowded streets.People hurried along, seeking shelter from the scorching rays that seemed to penetrate every corner of the city. In what it could be a major respite from the predictions of a severe heatwave in North- West India, Skymet Weather has forecasted a “normal" monsoon this year from June to September. While Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh are predicted to receive adequate rainfall, Bihar and West Bengal may face a deficit in the peak monsoon months of July and August. 

Moreover Skymet Weather has also predicted South may get Good Rain, although West and Northwest regions of India may receive adequate rainfall this year as Monsoon arrives. However, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal may not receive adequate rainfall. 


The Monsoon is estimated at 102 % of the long-period average of 868.6mm. The Goa State Disaster Management Authority has issued an advisory for the upcoming Heatwave. Heatwave will also touch Tamil Nadu as temperature in Karur and Dharmapuri breached the 40-degree mark.