Man Allegedly Kidnapped, Raped By Four Girls in Punjab

Published: November 22,2022 03:37 PM

Story highlights

A horrific incident came to light in Jalandhar, Punjab where a person claimed that he was kidnapped and raped by four girls

November 22, 2022: A horrific incident came to light in Jalandhar, Punjab where a person claimed that he was kidnapped and raped by four girls. The incident happened four days ago.

The victim works as a labor in a leather factory.

Reportedly, the victim revealed that while he was on his way back to home from the factory, four girls came from behind while in a car and asked about an address. He further added that then they handed him over a chit and while he was looking into it, the girls threw something in his eyes which left him unconscious. Soon after this, the girls made him sit in the car and then blindfolded him and tied his hand.

After all this, the girls stopped the car at an unknown place, gave him drugs, forced him to drink following which they raped him.

Later at around 3 AM, they dropped him back near the factory.

According to sources, all were aged between 22-23 years and belonged to a good family. He even told that all four were speaking in English to each other.

However, the victim has not registered any complaint against the accused because his family has asked him not to do so.