April 23, 2024: April may bring about May flowers, but it’s the time of the year when the full Pink Moon appears overhead. This time, the full pink moon will rise in the evening sky today (April 23) at 7:49 P.M.
Due to some unforeseen atmospheric phenomena such as wildfire smoke the moon won't actually appear pink to our eyes, the moon should be its usual golden colour near the horizon and fade to a bright white as it glides.
According to NASA, the Maine Farmers' Almanac began publishing Native American names for full moons in the 1930s and these names are now widely known and used.
The full moon in April is known as the pink moon, named after the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox or mountain phlox. This is a plant native to the eastern United States that is one of the earliest widespread flowers of spring.
The Pink Moon will cast its luminous glow, urging introspection and transformation on various zodiac signs. The four zodiac signs are: Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.