January 22, 2025: A tragic accident unfolded in North Maharashtra's Jalgaon district on Wednesday evening, claiming the lives of at least eight people. The incident occurred when passengers from the Pushpak Express, fearing a fire on board, jumped onto the tracks only to be struck by the oncoming Karnataka Express.
Reports suggest that passengers aboard the Pushpak Express, which was en route from Mumbai to Gorakhpur, noticed sparks while the train was braking. Fearing a fire, they began to panic and exited their coaches. As a result, several passengers jumped onto the tracks near Pachora station, where the train had come to a halt after an alarm chain was pulled due to the false fire alert.
Central Railway's chief spokesperson, Swapnil Nila, confirmed the incident, stating that the passengers were hit by the oncoming Karnataka Express, resulting in at least six fatalities. District officials later updated the toll to eight.
Railway officials have suggested that the smoke from a hot axle might have caused the panic, leading passengers to pull the chain and jump off the train. The incident occurred around 5 pm, and authorities are investigating the exact cause of the tragedy.
This incident has raised concerns about safety protocols and the need for better communication during such emergencies to prevent such tragedies in the future.