January 18, 2025: Two days after the shocking attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, new CCTV footage has revealed a critical detail about the attacker. The footage shows the assailant wearing a yellow t-shirt, a stark contrast to his previous outfits caught on camera—a black t-shirt on the night of the incident and a blue shirt the following day.
The attacker, who remains at large, is believed to have used the Mumbai local train network to evade capture, likely departing from Bandra station. Mumbai Police teams are currently scouring CCTV footage from various railway stations across the city to trace his movements.
According to the FIR, the intruder gained access to Khan’s Bandra residence and entered the bedroom of his younger son, Jeh. The situation escalated when a house help raised an alarm, prompting the 54-year-old actor to intervene. In the ensuing struggle, Saif suffered six stab injuries, including a severe wound to the thoracic spine.
The actor was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where emergency surgery was performed to remove the knife and address complications, including leaking spinal fluid. Doctors have confirmed that Saif is now stable and recovering.
Two house helps were also injured in the attack, reportedly carried out with a hexa blade. Despite the police identifying the suspect, his whereabouts remain unknown.
The Mumbai Police has mobilized 35 teams to intensify the manhunt, focusing on railway stations, city outskirts, and other potential hideouts. "We are leaving no stone unturned in apprehending the suspect and ensuring justice," a senior officer said.
The incident has left Bollywood and Saif’s fans in shock, with many expressing their support for the actor and his family during this distressing time.