AUGUST 22, 2024- In a shocking and horrifying incident, a mob in Bihar's Gopalganj district attempted to set a school bus on fire while children were onboard. The incident took place on Wednesday during the Bharat bandh called by Dalit and Adivasi groups in protest against a recent Supreme Court order concerning reservations for Scheduled Castes.
The bus, which was filled with young schoolchildren, was attacked by a large crowd carrying sticks and other weapons. In a video that has since gone viral, the yellow bus can be seen surrounded by the mob. A man was captured on camera setting a tyre ablaze directly underneath the vehicle, while several other tyres were seen burning on the road, which had been blocked by the protestors.
The situation took a dire turn as the mob, fueled by anger over the court’s ruling, appeared intent on causing harm to the children trapped inside the bus. However, in a timely intervention, the local police and district administration arrived at the scene and managed to disperse the crowd before the situation could escalate further. The authorities' swift action prevented what could have been a tragic outcome.
According to reports, the bandh was part of a nationwide protest against the Supreme Court’s recent decision that impacted reservations for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, which many in the community fear could dilute their constitutional rights. The protest had turned violent in several parts of the country, but the incident in Gopalganj stood out for its sheer brazenness and the potential danger posed to innocent lives.
Parents of the children onboard the bus expressed their outrage and fear following the incident, demanding stronger action against those responsible. The authorities have assured that they are conducting a thorough investigation and that those involved will be held accountable.