January 20, 2025: Sanjay Roy, a civic volunteer, was sentenced to life imprisonment till death along with a fine of Rs 50,000 by the CBI court on Monday for the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Hospital in 2024. The verdict was delivered by Sealdah court Judge Anirban Das, who stated that while the crime was grave, it did not qualify as one of the "rarest of the rare cases," which would warrant the death penalty.
Roy was convicted by the court on January 18, 2025, for his involvement in the brutal crime that shocked the city and triggered nationwide protests. The victim, a postgraduate trainee doctor, was found dead in a seminar hall at RG Kar Hospital on August 9, 2024. She had been sexually assaulted and murdered.
During the sentencing, Roy maintained his innocence, claiming that he was framed and that a Rudraksha chain he always wore would have broken at the crime scene had he been involved in the assault. He further alleged that he was forced to sign documents without being given a chance to speak.
The CBI lawyer, on the other hand, strongly argued for the death penalty, calling the crime a “rarest of the rare” case, emphasizing the victim's potential as a meritorious student and the devastating impact on her family. “This incident has shaken the entire community. If even doctors are not safe, what does that say about society?” the lawyer said.
The court charged Roy with Section 64 (rape), Section 66 (punishment for causing death), and Section 103 (murder) under the Indian Penal Code. The prosecution highlighted the identification of Roy through a Bluetooth earphone found near the victim’s body, as well as CCTV footage showing him entering the seminar hall with the device around his neck.
The case sparked widespread outrage, with protests across the country demanding justice for the victim, who was seen as an asset to society. The conviction has brought some semblance of closure to the case, though the fight for justice continues for many others in similar situations.