January 23, 2025: A devastating train accident in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district has claimed the lives of 13 passengers and left 15 others injured after a tragic sequence of events sparked by a false fire alarm. The incident unfolded on Wednesday evening, January 22, when passengers aboard the Lucknow-Mumbai Pushpak Express were gripped by panic caused by a rumour.
According to Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, the chain of events began when a tea-seller from the pantry shouted about a fire in one of the train’s coaches. The alarm was heard by two passengers from Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh, who spread the news to others in the general coach and the adjacent coach. The resulting confusion and fear caused some passengers to jump off the speeding train in a desperate attempt to save themselves.
Amid the chaos, one of the passengers pulled the alarm chain, bringing the train to an abrupt halt. Tragically, as the train stopped, many passengers disembarked onto the adjacent track. At the same time, the Karnataka Express, en route from Bengaluru to Delhi, approached at high speed and ran over several passengers.
The impact was so powerful that several passengers lost their lives and the bodies were mutilated, said Mr. Pawar while addressing reporters in Pune.
The accident was the result of a sheer rumour about fire, he added.
Officials have confirmed that 13 people lost their lives, and 15 others sustained injuries in the incident. Emergency services, including railway officials and local authorities, rushed to the scene to provide aid and transport the injured to nearby hospitals.
Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident to determine how the situation escalated and to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Deputy CM Ajit Pawar emphasized the need for better awareness and stricter protocols to manage emergencies and prevent misinformation from causing panic.
This incident has once again highlighted the importance of accurate communication and vigilance in ensuring passenger safety on India’s busy railway network. The government has extended condolences to the families of the deceased and assured support for the injured. Financial aid and assistance are expected to be announced for the victims and their families.
Fire rumour by tea-seller led to Jalgaon train tragedy - Deputy CM Ajit Pawar
January 23, 2025: A devastating train accident in Maharashtra’s Jalgaon district has claimed the lives of 13 passengers and left 15 others injured after a tragic sequence of events sparked by a false fire alarm. The incident unfolded on Wednesday evening, January 22, when passengers aboard the Lucknow-Mumbai Pushpak Express were gripped by panic caused by a rumour.
According to Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, the chain of events began when a tea-seller from the pantry shouted about a fire in one of the train’s coaches. The alarm was heard by two passengers from Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh, who spread the news to others in the general coach and the adjacent coach. The resulting confusion and fear caused some passengers to jump off the speeding train in a desperate attempt to save themselves.
Amid the chaos, one of the passengers pulled the alarm chain, bringing the train to an abrupt halt. Tragically, as the train stopped, many passengers disembarked onto the adjacent track. At the same time, the Karnataka Express, en route from Bengaluru to Delhi, approached at high speed and ran over several passengers.
The impact was so powerful that several passengers lost their lives and the bodies were mutilated, said Mr. Pawar while addressing reporters in Pune.
The accident was the result of a sheer rumour about fire, he added.
Officials have confirmed that 13 people lost their lives, and 15 others sustained injuries in the incident. Emergency services, including railway officials and local authorities, rushed to the scene to provide aid and transport the injured to nearby hospitals.
Authorities have launched an investigation into the incident to determine how the situation escalated and to prevent similar tragedies in the future. Deputy CM Ajit Pawar emphasized the need for better awareness and stricter protocols to manage emergencies and prevent misinformation from causing panic.
This incident has once again highlighted the importance of accurate communication and vigilance in ensuring passenger safety on India’s busy railway network. The government has extended condolences to the families of the deceased and assured support for the injured. Financial aid and assistance are expected to be announced for the victims and their families.