September 10, 2024: The Chandmari Police has arrested Kuldip Das, one of the suspect of the tragic case of Indrani Tahbildar, a BJP Kishan Morcha leader who allegedly took her own life on August 11, 2023. Das, who had been on the run since last year, is accused of disseminating explicit photographs of Tahbildar on social media, an act believed to have exacerbated her distress.
The arrest marks a significant development in the ongoing investigation into Tahbildar’s death. Police are set to present Das before the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) Court today.
In addition to Das, the case involves several other suspects, including Anurag Chaliha, Dibya Deka, and Abhimanyu Das. These individuals are also alleged to have played roles in the scandal surrounding Tahbildar’s death.
The investigation continues as authorities work to resolve this sensitive case.
Another Arrest in BJP Leader Indrani Tahbildar’s Suicide Case
September 10, 2024: The Chandmari Police has arrested Kuldip Das, one of the suspect of the tragic case of Indrani Tahbildar, a BJP Kishan Morcha leader who allegedly took her own life on August 11, 2023. Das, who had been on the run since last year, is accused of disseminating explicit photographs of Tahbildar on social media, an act believed to have exacerbated her distress.
The arrest marks a significant development in the ongoing investigation into Tahbildar’s death. Police are set to present Das before the Chief Judicial Magistrate (CJM) Court today.
In addition to Das, the case involves several other suspects, including Anurag Chaliha, Dibya Deka, and Abhimanyu Das. These individuals are also alleged to have played roles in the scandal surrounding Tahbildar’s death.
The investigation continues as authorities work to resolve this sensitive case.